Premier Catalog 2024
Route Sheets
An ideal way to schedule and track work for the service department. These are printed on heavy duty stock, have 2 different sizes of posting holes and are available as either sheets or in a book. • 12" × 15" • 100# White tag stock • Quantity price breaks are: 1, 4, 20, 60, 100 Route Sheets/Appointments
159 (Book RS-547-SB) 50 sheets per book
160 (Form RS-547) 100 sheets per pack
Each sheet is identified from Monday through Saturday. 30 lines per side, 60 lines per day total. • 8-1/2" × 13" • 6-part, snap-out on White stock • Prints in Blue ink on both sides • Packaged 50 sets per pack • Quantity price breaks are: 1, 4, 20, 60, 100
This popular “Big Green” route sheet has all the information needed to track a vehicle from start to finish. • 28" ×20"
• Packaged 50 sheets per pad, 1 pad per pack • Quantity price breaks are: 1, 4, 20, 60, 100
• 60# Green stock • 100 lines per sheet
167 Weekly Route Sheet (Form 63-SA)
165 (Form Big Green R/S)
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