Smart Source Catalog 2023
Route Sheets
Route Sheets /Appointments
Contains spaces for date, customer name, address, phone number, technician, time of day, and the service requested. • 22" × 17" • 60# White paper • Horizontally and vertically perforated so you can remove each day of the week
• 3 holes punched across the top • Packaged 52 sheets per pad, 1 pad per pack • Quantity price breaks are: 1, 4, 20, 60, 100
161 (Form 9927)
A simple route/appointment system with all the pertinent information. 57 lines per sheet. • 22" × 17" • 50# White paper • Packaged 50 sheets per pad, 1 pad per pack • Quantity price breaks are: 1, 4, 20, 60, 100
162 (Form RS-57) 57 Lines per Sheet
These large route sheets are padded and offer a great way to track the progress and types of repairs on a daily basis. • 22" × 17" • 50# White paper • Packaged 50 sheets
163 (Form SDSS) 47 Lines per Sheet
per pad, 1 pad per pack • Quantity price breaks are: 1, 4, 20, 60, 100
164 (Form RS67R) 50 Lines per sheet
Made with FlippingBook Digital Proposal Maker